Facebook Marketing For Musicians
Facebook Marketing For Musicians

Technical Facebook Marketing Work Book
For Beginners
Learn The Basics Of Facebook Marketing.
Facebook, indisputably the largest social network there is, had it’s debut in 2005 and skyrockets today with 1.44 billion monthly active users, at least 72% of Facebook users check in every month and every day about 936 million people will check in. 65% use it daily. Among those users, the average time spent on e site per visit is 21 minutes.
At its core remains a great way to communicate effectively. In many ways, it has replaced the need for eail, phone calls, texting via SMS and many other functions that could or should require an internet connection.
Nowadays the functions it offers are vastly and many artists first tool of choice to gain some social recognition, to distribute their new album, to share content and to marketing themselves.
Although there are methods that make this process way more efficient and we will venture through the most needed ones for all musicians out there trying to grow a bigger fanbase, keeping them engaged and close to them, and marketing and distributing their artistic material.
How A Musician Can Benefit
With such a vast amount of users, million (literally millions) of users a day checking constantly what is new, Facebook self explains itself as a big window for anyone seeking social recognition, or marketing a product.
As a musician it has a whole other level of benefits as it can also work as a tour-date check up for fans through the “events” the can private message you, and they can share and comment on your posts and have the feeling they are close to their favorite artists.
You can hold a huge variety of contests, giveaways, share news, do Q&A and in more recent cases a livestream where you can see what people comment and answer or explain anything you wish to.
Of course, we will go into detail in each function, how you can use them and some tips on each and help you with some general concepts to keep in mind if you are a beginner in social network marketing.
Audience Targeting
In general marketing terms this refers to the type of people you want to reach out too, who you want to sell your product to, and the individuals you consider would not only buy it, but give it the most intricate review and really be interested into it.
In musical terms it does not vary that much, it refers to the people who would like your music and that you consider would be possible potential fans.
How can you select these “audience” well, there are some aspects to consider here:
- Sound Similarity: If you are a solo artist or your band plays in a musical style similar to another band you might want to target their fanbase as your first choice of possible followers for your social network, as they usually (not always, but usually) seek out artists who are similar in sound, style or genre to the band you picked.
- Genre: If you play in a particular style of music or a mix of several others along with it, it is good to target the fans for this particular style ( as for the methods to this we will explain them separately in a moment)
We could consider this the two most essential aspects on how to get a picture of who your target audience might be, at least as far as for Facebook.
Let’s give you now the tool to amass the fans into one single place and reach out to them whenever you need them , and they can reach out to you whenever they need you, A Facebook Page..
Facebook Page
We all are following a couple of these pages, even hundreds and some individuals randomly follow thousands, but we want to focus on the audience that does consciously consider what they follow as they will be the ones to participate and pay attention to your posts.
To save you sometime we will explain some basic facebook functions HOW a facebook page really works, how to make it look professional and the most important functions it will serve to you as a musician.
Facebook basics
To start your very own facebook page you will need to go to the top right of your facebook profile, and you will see a little arrow (this is for desktop/laptop PC users only) click on the arrow and a small side window should appear with the “ create page” Click on it.
Six windows will appear, select the “Artist, Band or public figure” and select “artist” in the very first tab, in the second tab write your artist’s name or your band’s name.
Here is where the magi starts, write a good bio or if you have one in your website, copy and paste it in here, make it direct, self explanatory and formal.
For a Facebook Web Address type in your band’s name again, as you can add this at the bottom of your flyers or any physical merchandise product label so people can look you up.
Click on “skip” for the profile picture for now.
You can add to favorites if you desire so to access it with more ease when checking your news feed but it is your personal decision not an important choice here.
The last tab which should say “Preferred Page Audience” follow these easy steps.
Leave the first tab in “everyone in this location” and in the map find your state/region/province and drop as many pins as you can.
- Age: Default, as it is 18+ to 65+
- Interests: look for your favorite artists, facebook will use these to align you with fans and saving up a little (just a little) work from our shoulders.
- Language: Type in all the languages you or band members know.
Now click on Save and your page should appear in a few moments.
Looks great right? Let us discuss now the visual aspects of it and how to make it look as professional as possible, later on what you should post and what to avoid.
A professional Look
have shown that a Facebook page that is starting off amasses far more
followers when already having some content in the table to offer them to
check out, as a musician you can imagine this gets a bit more crucial
than just an average product.
Here are the aspects to fill in before we start reaching out fans:
- Profile Picture: Your profile picture will be the most seen asset of your facebook page, whenever it appears to someone as a suggestion or as a recommendation this will be displayed, the best option is your bands logo or your latest album’s artwork. This will not only call the attention but also when they check it out they might get intrigued on how your music sounds.
- Prior content: start sharing all your videos or any other material you have, even updates so they have some notion of what it is that you are doing as an artist.
Careful here, only upload professional looking material, do not upload any funny or unofficial, unnecessary things just yet, you will do that later to communicate with fans, right now you need to call their attention.
- Banner your facebook banner photo can be the same as your profile picture with some added information on it, you can say it is like a virtual “business card” write on it your website, other social networks you handle, or even an upcoming date you will play live.
- Photos: Have any photoshoots of you or your band? Maybe some photos playing live? This calls attention a lot! Many or most facebook users the first thing they check is the photos and the second thing is the photo’s description, try to write something that advertises you, or market your new album, add a link you where they can buy it or to check your website, it is up to you how you fill these blank spaces but those are our best recommendation for now.
Main Functions
You have now a professional looking facebook page! And that is great! That’s one step you have already taken in the vast world of the blue themed social network.
Now let’s gear it up with some functions that it offers artists.
On your main page you will see by the right side of your profile picture a selection of buttons.
The “create a button”, “like” button and “message” button. We will only focus on the create a button. Click on it.
A small window has popped and the first part that probably called your attention is the “Choose a button” tab click on it and there is a variation of options to choose from.
There are two you want to focus on as a musician in terms of marketing:
- Watch A Video: Link your latest video, or a video to your band playing live, either way it is a direct step to checking your music out.
- Shop Now: Add the link so they can shop your new album immediately.
Remember, the easier you make it for your fan base to buy or attain a product from you is to make the process itself, simple.
For other members of the band or individuals you want to help you administrate the page you will see the top bar that says the following options:
“Page” “Messages” “Notifications” “Publishing Tools” & “Settings”
Click on Settings.
Select Page Roles tab in the left list.
And look up for the person you want to assist you, his personal profile will show up.
We will avoid over detailing all the functions facebook has or going into to technical reasoning as this is intended for beginners-semi beginners and it would led you astray from our purpose of teaching you Music Marketing Through Facebook
We will approach some detail on how to administrate your page and some extra information at the very end but for now, let’s go catch the big fish, Marketing.
We have our facebook page now, it looks good and we gave you a bit of insight in the functions we will need to start at least to get this project running.
As for facebook, there is a lot to cover in terms of marketing so read carefully and even if you have the need to, investigate further in how other artists use all this tools the social network offers you.
As for the main tool you will be using is Advertisement, not your typical advertisement but a range of possibilities only facebook offers to their users.
But the real big benefit of Facebook advertising is that it is advertising on a social network, the biggest one out there, and they offer you a ton of functions we will describe shortly for you to hand pick the ones you consider most convinient.
And we will take advantage in the fact that liked and shared posts get seen by more people, that means that your posts can potentially go viral if they are creative enough and well enough designed one you have a larger fan base. Your objective then is to recognize all this potential and to leverage it through smart ad designs.
First of all, how do their Ads work?
How Facebook Ads Work
The basic principle to understand here is PPC which stands for ‘Pay Per Click‘. What this means, is that as an advertiser you will only have to pay when someone actually clicks on one of your adverts (pretty awesome and functional IMO) this means that you will never need to pay for an ad that’s ‘ unsuccessful‘. If no one clicks on your adverts, then you don’t pay a cent and you’ll still have gained exposure for your facebook page or website this way.
When it comes to PPC marketing, there is no set cost for your clicks and the minimum spend is tiny. This means that a huge company can afford to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on their Facebook advertising and at the same time a smaller business and entrepreneurs can also afford to pay for some ads and to experience with them. It’s highly adaptable and this is a gigantic advantage when you have a limited budget or when you’re just starting out.
As this is not a budget-set situation this works on a bidding system whereby you will set your CPC (cost per click) and this will end up defining how often your ad shows, if you’re willing to bid $2 for each click, chances are that your ad will be seen a lot because for facebook you are paying a higher price, therefore you are more profitable for them with your Ad, but it will also cost you a lot. Pay just 5cents for each click and your ad will be shown far more rarely.
With this we have seen how Facebook allows you target users in a more precise manner and of course the way it lets you add imagery or even a video link to the Ad is a great support for our Ad campaign.
Now that you know how the Ads work, allow us to go to the next step, what kind of ads are there and their specific purposes, specially the ones for musicians.
Facebook Advertisement’s Types & Kinds.
Facebook ads pop up on your newsfeed or in the sidebar, you probably have seen this so many times and a couple have catched your eye, a good, well designed Ad brings your eyes to it, immediately.
Here comes into play the importance of a good logo or photo of your band that seems attractive enough.
All your posts on your facebook page have a “settings” tab at the right top corner of your post, where you can select to option to transform it into an advertisement.
Let’s first of all review the three places your Ads will be displayed.
Ad placement Spots
The places where your Ads are displayed play a bigger role than you can imagine as they are related to facebook use related functions.
Some of these options only show up when you are searching for
something in the facebook searcher and others are there all the time
when you are in your newsfeed and show new ones every time you refresh.
The three of them are:
- Right Column: The sidebar on the right hand side of the page at all times as you are using Facebook.It is always present when we use facebook in our laptop or desktop PC, while creating your page you might have notice a couple of these floating Ads by the right side.
The only downside is that Ads are not usually displayed on mobile.
- Newsfeed: The ‘homepage’ on Facebook where you see all of the updates from your friends and other contacts.Just as the Right column it is there and it is the place we place most of our attention into, although it’s main purpose was not advertisement, Facebook has allowed it and for the price it is a very good choice as many of my Facebook discoveries have been satisfactory and their Audience targeting system fails 1 out of every 200 times they estimate.Not bad! Right?
- Mobile Newsfeed: The same homepage but for mobile users specifically, you have to keep in mind that today everyone runs Facebook trough their fingertips, if you consider placing an Ad most of your users are mobile base and might not get to se the right column.
News feeds have the issue that people sometimes do not pay the
attention required, here is where a good Ad design comes into play!
We will now describe each individual facebook Ads there are out there, how they work and you benefit from them individually:
Types & Kinds
- Page Post LinkPlacement:Newsfeed, Mobile Newsfeed & Right ColumnBecoming the most common form of advert used by the Facebook community, it works with an amazing system as it links your own external website and earns likes for your page, you could even attach the direct link to your website’s shop to all the websites you are hosting your music with.perfect for combining with a content marketing campaign, which effectively means that you are creating regular content to try and build trust and authority in your niche.In a musician’s case it is great to reach out to an audience that could potentially buy any of your music or merchandise.If you ‘like’ the Advertisement, you are not liking the image, you are liking their facebook page. And these Ads are usually displayed when you enter your newsfeed you see the bar at the right side of your newsfeed.
- Page Post Photo:Placement: Right Column, Newsfeed & Mobile NewsfeedA page posted photo can be very important for an artist, for example you can make a photo with all your tour dates, with pricings and the whole information placed in it. You are practically opening the window for potential attendees to your upcoming concerts.
You can also add a photo with a “random giveaway” with some description like “like these photo and our page and we will randomly select someone from the photo likes to recieve a secret prize autographed by the band members ” You have probably seen these type of photos advertising something before, in our case it is a two thumbs up situation as we also gai nthe chance to interact with our fanbase and at the same time amass new followers who might listen to our music in the next few days when we start showing up in their newsfeed.
- Event:Placement: Right Column, Newsfeed, Mobile NewsfeedYou are a musician right? You are going to play live, A LOT, create an event and Advertise it, just as we mentioned with the possible tour, you want to try to advert everytime you play live, why? Remember that we marked the locations when creating your page? Guess to who is that Advertisement going to show up!All the locals will see it, and probably some people close by to your town or maybe the neighbouring states, might be reached if the event recieves a lot of possible attendees as facebook prioritizes the Ads that are groing exponentially as much as they can.
- Page Like:Placement: Right Column, Newsfeed, Mobile Newsfeed
One of the most simple and used Ads by many not only musicians is
these one, it is simply a suggestive Ad with your Page requesting likes,
here is where your page description comes into play, as this is the
other piece of information it uses along with the “like” button.
trying to increase your number of likes is your priority right now so
try to take advantage of this one first so that you can generate a
bigger audience to market to.
You ca even encourage them furthere by adding a Call-to-action in your text.
- Domain Ad:
Placement: Right Column Only.
A bit inneficient in placement, this kind of Ad focuses only in the
placement of your website, or the direct link to where you are hosting
your music, we recommend you mostly add your personal /Band website to
this kind of Ad if you decide to use it.
These days they perform less well than some newer alternatives but they
are nevertheless a very affordable and effective choice that will be
appealing to many advertisers
A good tactic is to use this kind of Ad for when you have disccounts of some kind in your merch store or you are about to release your new Album.
- Offer:Placement: Right Column, Newsfeed & Mobile NewsfeedThis is the one that is cold marketing at it’s finest, offering your song directly to a website link with a direct message “buy our new single now” you can mostly use it once you have a good couple thousand followers.
This is an interesting option because anyone who clicks on your ad
will be e-mailed a code that they can then use in order redeem your
special offer. It’s great for encouraging sales for that new big single
you got out there.
So many options right?
Let me give you a few marketing-mindlike concepts on how to pick the right Ad for you, as we said you can pick it just based on your personal judgement but a little statistical proven to work- ideas don’t hurt anyone!
Picking The Right Ad
Picking the right Ad is all about timing and a little strategy. You will want to use the domain ads when you’re looking to generate direct views to your artist’s website.
The page post links make more sense for companies trying to build followers and represent a more long-term strategy, as you will be able to post on your facebook page and have an immediate reach.
As for the Event, do exactly what we said before and facebook will do the rest, you can announce it or re-post it oftenly and petition always for a share so your current fans can help you reach it, the magic about social networks is they work like a spider’s web structure,there is always a small hexagonical shape that starts it and the next one is larger and so on and on, think of this as area fro more followers to fit in and your followers are how far the threads that hold everything toghether can be.
With that said, take into consideration the next, check how others do it, of course no one has a magic formula but some achieve greatness by taking a bunch of well taken steps and make it look as if it really WAS magic how hey reached so many fans! Try to find out how they did it and apply your own flavour to it and try to improve it if you think it is a possibility.
If a band has 4 different Ads displayed at different moments of the month like 1 each week to reach various objectives, see if you can group them and have Two Ads each week to achieve a wider area of results.
When pickin’ the right Ad first think of your objective and after that think of Two sub-ojectives
by these we refer to things you can achieve through the main objective,
after that, start planifying with your band what it is that you all
consider most important to advertise and which Ad system would contain
all three of them, if you find one Ad that works for them all, you have
your answer!
Let’s now take a closer look to other ways you can Advertise your
facebook page, rack up likes and even interact with fans through these
methods, we could say these are “musical-focused” and only an artist or
musician can apply them, as they are mostly related to music marketing
as a whole and can be applied to facebook just as we apply them to other
social networks.
Other Forms Of Audience Targeting For Your Ad
There are many more aspects and variants on how Facebook or you can target your audience besides the Location.
Two elemental ones are age and gender. Here you can think about the age of your most typical customers and range a general budget per customer idea when they reach out to your merch store or buy your CD, as for their gender, you can take advantage of this to offer them special disccounts for a festive day that target’s gender (Women’s Day for example is a great date to offer your fans to buy something special for their partner or for themselves)
And this kind of Ads would not require more than 2-4 weeks of display in Facebook, as you would just have to keep the Ad until the big date comes up.
Other considerations for alternate Audience Targeting are:
- Political leaning
- Religion
- Marital status
As these are more general in the marketing field of Ads and musicians do not really see the need for so many specifics do not consider them of up most importance except for Age & Gender, although do keep them in mind as an occasion may arise where you can take advantage and boost your marketing campaign.
A great example is Religious music, they mostly tap into the religious marketing world which is vast enough to gather tens of thousands if done correctly.
As for political leaning it was accustomed before to hire a famous musician to support a political campaign, today that is not the case, still, there are rare cases in which they are asked to do a commercial or some sort of political-supportive campaign and they allow the artist to exploit it’s marketing potential as much as possible.
Interests Audience targeting
This is a facebook exclusive and should be one of the main reasons you want to use facebook Advertisement system.
How it works is very neat and immensely powerful, when you target people by their interests, of course you can only select people who have shown interest in oyur music, many people think “well that is very narrow” exactly, that is exactly what you want when you Audience target, and especially in music as your previous fans who bought your first album will most probably buy the second and the third if you notify them whne it comes out! And the best way is through this method.
Interests also gives you some other interesting possibilities. For instance, you can look for users that are fans of similar bands to yours.
Write down your average profile for one of your fans, see how many of them purchase only your music, if hpysical or jsut digital or even merchandise, and see to what extend you can use this tool
It’s worth doing a little research before you start filling out this section beause, you don’t want to into the dark and target a small amount of people, you want to target the largest amount you can put toghether. – so look around some profiles and see what broad categories of interests come up often. When choosing interests, Facebook also gives you the option to click ‘Browse’ and from here, you can look through the suggestions that they have to offer.
We have covered a good concept of how the Advertisement in Facebook works, probably by now you already see why so many business attempt this strategy, but that is not all there is to it, let’s check out some other forms you can Market yourself & engage more fans or even earn followers in a few days.
Other Forms Of Marketing On Facebook
Although, yes, the Ads are your main tool given by Facebook there are plenty other tricks we can teach you or at least describe as well as possible so you start reaching people in other forms.
Here they are:
- Ask For Likes.- With your personal profile ask people close to you to start following and sharing your page, this works very well for musicians as they usually are very social and are friendly.Send a message to your friends directly asking who would like to do it and thank them for their support.
- Other Social Networks.- If you already have a fan base in another social network you can petition for some likes on it.
- Your Mailing List.- If you have a mailing list you can notify them of your Facebook page through it, maybe even use a catch like “if we reach 5000 followers we will give away “x” number of albums randomly picked from our Facebook page”
- Other Bands could help.- If you know any other artists or musicians they may have already been on the process of creating a Facebook network for fans and marketing their products just like you.Very often they offer a hand to increment your followers because they know how hard that can be, so do not be afraid of asking for it they might help you without a second thought.
- Engage with other pages.- Regularly leave thoughtful comments in response to other people’s posts. Make sure you’re commenting as your page rather than from your personal profile.
- Contests.- If you already managed to hoard a good amount of followers giveaway something to celebrate! But wait… let’s gather even more people this way!Who doesn’t like free stuff? No one, that is right, and you are not going to give up the opportunity to use this to your advantage.This comes with two benefits in social reason, you get to interact with your current fan base, think of a fun contest and one that might call others attention, make your fans comment a post and like it, this way your post will show up on their friends news feed and they will check it out just for curiosity, of course you can transform it into an Ad later on, to give it a “rebirth” and bring more attention for a second round.You can select “x” number of winners and then ask them to private message you their address to send them the gift of your choice.
- Personal engagement.- Talk to your fans once in a while at first, we all start small and many artists are friends with fans who have been there since the beginning of their career supporting them, and that is fine! A big misconception many growing artists do is that there is a gap among fans and the artist and that is actually the opposite, even the biggest artists out there have their fans as close as they can, after all they are the reason you are where you are, or you are going to get there.
- LiveStream.- This is one of Facebook’s most recent integration to their system to amplify the capacities social media users have to reach their fan base with more ease, bloggers, artists, gamers, internet celebrities and a huge list of famous individuals have taken a good advantage of it.
How it works is very neat for our case! You livestream setting up your camera and audio to the computer, then you select the livestream setting and you can see what people comment real-time meanwhile you are livestreaming what you do, there are a few recommendations we can give you for what you should do for your fans if you try to do a livestream:
- Q&A: Question And Answer is always fun but it gets even better when you do it live, also with this you can petition your fanbase for suggestions and what would they like to see soon from you.
- Live Show: You can organize a live show, set up all your gear and stream a couple of your songs or play an acoustic version, many live hows call the attention of potential new followers and that can bring some new faces around.
- News: You can do a monthly newsflash video announcing anything important that happened, if yo uare recording a new album share how you are progressing and how hard yo uare working on it, share everything fans need to stay engaged and interested.
- Socialize: Sharing a point of view is important, and if you have an audience it can be very benefitial to you, just remember to always stay neutral about any delicate subjects.A great part of this is that fans can have the chance to dialogue about anything with you and they can feel closer through your network.
Administrating Your Facebook Page & Keeping Fans
Once you have undergone the task of earning some
fans and starting to earn some traffic for your Facebook Page we need to
tap into the next subject in hand,
Keeping the traffic flowing.
Facebook (unfortunately) updated a new formula for how your page is
shown to others in a daily basis, this is by only showing it to small
percentage of followers that range between 4-8% of all of them.
What does this mean? For example,
You have 5000 followers and you update a photo of your whole band, that photo will only be shown to a 4-8% of your followers, so only 200-400 people will see this i neither newsfeed when they log in to facebook to check the new stuff going on.
Now, why was this update made? Some consider it was made mostly to “force” pages to used Ads, and in a sense that could be true, facebook is a macro-size business that needs money flowing just as any other huge brand or corporation out there.
But the real reason lies elsewhere, and that is to avoid and over traffic and over exposure, and giving everyone a chance, we could call it an “exchange” you might or might not show up to your fans ,unless your page is huge, above 200,000 followers is when facebook releases the percentage a bit more because you are considered a social figure or a worldwide recognizable brand.
If all pages post 2 times a day , and the individual has like a hundred pages that means he would have to pay attention to 200 daily posts! Instead if it is only shown a percentage of that it raises the chance for attention.
Facebook’s objective also is to make sure people actually pay attention to their newsfeed, as many studies have shown they sometimes just open the app out of boredom and mindlessly scroll through it.
Although that does not entirely solve the problem the pages also have to contribute with this by the content they upload and how they administrate themselves:
So going back to the subject at hand, you as a musician should always for your sake, keep a good organization of what you post and when:
Here are some useful tricks and ideas for you:
- How often should I post: There are pages that post 10 times a day because the content is “express” a funny photo or unimportant, there is also the opposite if it is a news channel that needs to keep updating everyone on the current events around the world.
In our case, thankfully should only post within a max of 3 times a day, and only if you really consider it necessarily, this is due because fans will start posting and writing to you and that is the sub-level of communication you can exploit the most, personal interaction through their posts on your page should be taken with priority, as they will usually ask a question like “ where can I buy your album? “ or “are you planning on coming over to (x place in the world) any time soon” this can even be a result of your marketing campaign so keep an eye out for this scenario, and frequently check your page’s newsfeed updates.
- Content’s Value: It is a must! Keep your fans engaged with quality not quantity, as quantity can call attention it becomes overseen and boring, you want to update your page with good stuff from you and your band.A good example is a personal life story of how one of the band members got started into music, you can even post interviews you have recently done, pick the moment you think was a critical piece of information fans might be interested in knowing about you and share it.
- Promotion: A social network’s success is a possible window of success in another one, try to keep them all together as glued to each other as possible with your fans.
Also if you see the need to, petition your fans to join any other social networks you are handling at the moment.
As far as Facebook goes being the largest social network and the most used, others can help as a support for quick updates or a more specific function facebook might not have.
It is good you consider promoting yourself in as many places as possible, and once you have the amount of fans you desire try promoting other artists with a similar style to yours.
This is so both fans meet in and we could call it “sharing fans” you win some of the other band’s fans over time and viceversa, it is a win-win situation that has helped many artists in the world of marketing, specially when internet was not here! Nowadays it is a huge help as it is a very fast process and you gain attention from new faces in a blink of an eye.
- Tour Dates & Prizes: We mentioned before that you should market your tour dates, but in this case we approach it as if you already have a larger fanbase than at the beginning, it is still good to make the Ad for it though.Make a lot of giveaways, prizes, contests, even raffles.This helps to earn attention as we said before but the more fans who share, the more exponentially it grows, now is the time to put to practice that theory.
- Ask For Shares: Ask your fans to share your page, and when they do ask them to say what they feel when they hear your music, or something you can come up that makes the fan interact in an emotional level with the share.This will display to his friends that you are having an impact, I saw this movement a couple months ago with one of my favorite local artists and he did not only gain followers but followers who are supporting him through and through for the past months.Giving more meaning to your work over social networks is very important for a musician, if I must say so myself, crucial, simply because you are not a product or a brand only, you are an artist and that involves many more levels than a usual marketing campaign does for a product or a brand.
Marketing For Pages with A Large Fanbase
There is a couple tools we have left behind for the very last as this is most functional ONCE you really have a fanbase an that is connections targeting and Custom Audiences, by targeting the friends of friends from your fanbase:
If you have 10 fans and you use the connections targeting, you can reach all their friends and possibly further, this will display an Ad
One potential use of this is that it lets you try and expand your audience and gain new likes for your pages from people who may be more inclined to like them. This can also be an interesting way to potentially sell your music to some new faces.
Another useful advantage of marketing to people’s friends is that it means you have social proof. In other words, the people seeing your page will see that their friends like you and as such they will be more inclined to want to check your music out.
Although there is a downer about Interests is… interests, though useful, can be misleading.
That’s why Facebook also offers the ability to look at ‘behaviors‘.
Behaviors include things like purchase history, engagement,intent and much more. This is even advanced enough to allow you to target people who are just about to go on holiday and who are currently browsing flights in case of an airline.
In our case you can check who has been purchasing a lot of new music or their music taste matches your style, here is where you come in full throttle and set an Ad for them.
There are amny many tactics on how Facebook pages use the Behaviors tool and Connections tool, it is for the best you seek some advice or situations in which they have or have not been successful to the musician?s marketing campaign
As for Custom Audiences is a fantastic tool for any
digital marketers. Essentially, if you have a list of e-mail addresses
and/or phone numbers, then you can upload this list to Facebook and then
create a ‘custom audience’ to market to based on that list.
As a musician you probably already have or are starting to build a
mailing list for a number various of reasons, and here is another yet
great and amazing reason to have one, you can save some traouble into
starting from zero by simply importing your already existing email users
that share the email account with facebook and suggest them to like
your page through an invitation.
We recommend you invest time in researching both as the experiences are very varied and depend a lot on the music genre, location of the band and all the many other factors we previously mentioned related to Audience targeting.
We have covered as much ground as possible so far, facebook will keep implementing tools and normalities to their social network but you will have not to worry as these are the bases that have been working for the past years.
Remember, try to expand your social networks as much as possible and if you do not have any, Facebook is indeed a good place to start, maybe even, the best.
As you have read, there are so many benefits from having a facebook page and not only economically speaking but also fro a social reach as you will have at your disposition many more people than in other social network.
You can always rely o facebook to market your new album or any other release you need to sel quick from you and your band.
As it is, Facebook is working hard on implementing more methods for artists and social figure to interact with fans and that could be the biggest edge for a musician as Marketing for an artist usually involves much more layers than just selling.
We hope you have found the motivation to start this journey yourself as it is very satisfying and fruitful when well done.
Now that you know how the Ads work, allow us to go to the next step, what kind of ads are there and their specific purposes, specially the ones for musicians.